Want to know what life is like being a Yenching Scholar and living in the on-campus Shaoyuan dormitory? Look no further. Our Residential Advisors have created a 4-part video series sharing their insights on the subjects.
Our RAs, Daniel Tafelski (Germany), Bella Tseeva (Russia and Portugal), Jorge Luis Filio Flores (Mexico), and Sarah Elizabeth Brooker (United States), welcome you to embark on this fascinating journey together!

01 The first part covers their enlightening perspectives about what life is like living in Shaoyuan and why they chose to be RAs.
02 In the second part of our Residential Advisors' video, our RAs discuss what it means to build a sense of community among Yenching Scholars.
03 Yenching Scholars come from different countries with varying cultural, religious, and ethnic orientations. In this 3rd part, our RAs talk about activities they have facilitated to promote diversity & student engagement.
04 In this last part, our RAs discuss the lessons they have learned undertaking their responsibilities.