Lecture Notice: The Rise of the Post-Western World


Speaker: Oliver Della Costa Stuenkel

Theme: The Rise of the Post-Western World

Date: December 20 (Wednesday), 2017

Time: 19:00 – 20:30

Location: Second Gymnasium Room B101, Peking University

Language: English

Abstract:With the United States' superpower status rivalled by a rising China and emerging powers like India and Brazil playing a growing role in international affairs, the global balance of power is shifting. But what does this mean for the future of the international order? Will China dominate the 21st Century? Will the so-called BRICS prove to be a disruptive force in global affairs? Are we headed towards a world marked by frequent strife, or will the end of Western dominance make the world more peaceful? Our understanding of global order and predictions about its future are limited because we seek to imagine the post-Western world from a parochial Western-centric perspective. Such a view is increasingly inadequate in a world where a billion of people regard Western rule as a temporary aberration, and the rise of Asia as a return to normalcy. In reality, China and other rising powers that elude the simplistic extremes of either confronting or joining existing order are quietly building a "parallel order" which complements today's international institutions and increases rising powers' autonomy.

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Speaker:Oliver Stuenkel is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in São Paulo, where he coordinates the São Paulo branch of the School of History and Social Science and the executive program in International Relations. He is also a non-resident Fellow at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin, a member of the Carnegie Rising Democracies Network, and a columnist for EL PAÍS and Americas Quarterly. His research focuses on Brazil’s, India’s and China's foreign policy and on their impact on global governance, as well as Latin American politics. He is the author of the IBSA: The rise of the Global South? (Routledge, 2014) and The BRICS and the Future of Global Order (Lexington, 2015) and the Post-Western World: How Emerging Powers Are Remaking Global Order (Polity, 2016). The Chinese version ofThe BRICS and the Future of Global Order (《金砖国家与全球秩序的未来》) was published by Shanghai People's Press in 2017.Post-Western Worldin Chinese (《中国之治终结西方时代》) was published by Beijing Mediatime.

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