Braving Ahead | YCA Holds the 2023 Graduation and Degree Awarding Ceremony

Everything is at its prime in July on campus, where the parting songs of graduates linger in the air.

Graduating Yenching Scholars are bidding farewell to one another and the campus amidst drizzles.

On July 4, Yenching Academy held the 2023 Graduation and Degree Awarding Ceremony at B101, Second Gymnasium.

The ceremony started with an opening video that captured details of the Scholars’ past two years of study at the Academy. From their arrival day to their successful oral defenses this summer, the video showcased their experiences: attending “China in Transition” lectures, taking study trips to Sichuan and Chongqing, painting the wisteria in the Jingyuan Courtyard, and enjoying activities like rock-climbing, singing, and performing. The videos and photos highlighted the joyful times the graduating Scholars had at the Academy.

Brent Haas’ remarks

Associate Dean Brent Haas reflected in the opening video, finding joy in learning more “useless” yet exciting things. He mentioned an engaging discussion aroused by AI and stressed life becomes more meaningful through connecting with family, friends, and those we care about and who care about us. Assoc. Dean Haas noted that AI can help us grow and become better individuals, which, in turn, benefits others we encounter. He encouraged the students to think about life from two perspectives: what they receive and give to others. He urged them “to think about the usefulness of your life, the usefulness of the careers you choose” and “to feel useful and remember that it is OK to enjoy the experience of interacting with people.”

Professor Wu Jing’s remarks

Professor Wu Jing from the PKU School of Journalism and Communication spoke as the faculty representative. She recalled her years with YCA since its founding and shared her interpretation of China Studies. Prof. Wu was pleased the Academy breaks established boundaries between disciplines, fostering better thinking and communication. She was impressed with the “China in Transition” course, where she and the Scholars explored China and humanity, driven by a shared care for the world. She expressed hope that upon walking out of the course and the YCA program, the experience will generate in the graduates “more questions than conclusions, more curiosity than the certainty of knowledge, more desire to feel and interact than to decide and give orders.”

Daniel Tafelski’s remarks

Daniel Tafelski from Germany delivered a graduation speech on behalf of his fellow graduating Scholars. Tafelski cherished the moments spent at the Academy, where he met like-minded friends from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds. They shared a common interest in China and sought to understand the country from every angle. Together, they forged friendships and beautiful memories in the Jingyuan Courtyards and Shaoyuan dormitory, studying late into the night, participating in sports events, and celebrating Chinese New Year with over 400 dumplings. As they parted into uncertain futures, Tafelski felt confident due to their academic, professional, and personal growth at the Academy and because they were “equipped with a strong network of classmates and teachers that will continue to be a circle of support for years to come.” At the end of his speech, Tafelski extended best wishes to his fellow graduates, hoping they would slow down and find peace in their busy lives.

Zhao Yuheng’s remarks

Zhao Yuheng from the first cohort delivered a speech as the alumni’s representative. After graduating from the Academy in 2017, Zhao pursued a doctoral degree at Boston University and returned to China as an assistant professor at Renmin University of China. He shared that the best lesson he learned at the Academy was to enjoy exploring the unknown, despite the loneliness and frustration one may have to deal with in studies because all hardships would be repaid with the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when you reached the goal. He noted that he grew stronger daily at the Academy, and the experience pushed him forward for further academic pursuit. Zhao encouraged the graduates, “As you venture into uncharted territories, embrace the unknown with courage and optimism. Be bold in pursuing your dreams, and please keep the following words from Zhang Zai in mind: For the rebirth of divinity; for the life of people; for the inheriting of classics; for the eternity of peace.”

Messages from the past

Associate Dean Brent Haas prepared a little surprise at the ceremony. Yenching Academy has a tradition: once Scholars arrive on campus to begin their studies, they write a letter to themselves in two years. This set of graduating Scholars did the same activity on arrival. Assoc. Dean Brent invited some graduates to read aloud their messages from the past. These heartfelt wishes included: “I hope I can find my dream career.” “I want to tell the world my own story of China.” “I’d like to enjoy every class and brave more challenges.” “I want to learn more at the Academy. I want to polish my Chinese. And I want to have fun.” These warm memories brought laughter and tears to our Scholars.

Dean Dong Qiang’s remarks

Dean Dong Qiang began by extending his warmest congratulations to the graduating Scholars. He expressed his admiration for the students’ efforts and achievements at the Academy. “It is safe to say that most of you have had a unique experience during your two years of study — a double experience, I would say. One day, you were at home, taking classes online. Then, you were in a classroom under the same roof as your peers, trying to learn while finding your way around the campus, library, and cafeterias, sometimes still jet-lagged. I am amazed by how quickly you adapted and thrived, from campus classes and the YGS at Hainan to field trips in Chongqing and Sichuan.”

Prof. Dong cherished the time he spent with the Scholars. “The most beautiful moments in the past year for me were these memorable instances where I learned new things from you, with you, walking alongside you. Growth is the most beautiful thing. One day, you will realize that growing up in a foreign country is a great blessing. For your Chinese peers, it is also a tremendous fortune to grow up in such an international community here at Yenching Academy. For me, witnessing growth is a beautiful part of my work. Witnessing growth is also about growing together.”

Dean Dong imparted five heartfelt wishes and expectations to our graduating Scholars. The first pertains to respect for history. “When I talk about history, it is not a question of length. Long or short, history is always generative, constitutive, and organic. In an increasingly virtualized world, these traits of history bring true richness to our experience. Respecting history is respecting experience and human existence…” The second relates to respect for differences. He explained that genuine psychological maturity requires the existence of others. “We cannot live in our own identities. The ‘terror of the same’ has swept across various fields of life in today’s society. People accumulate friends and fans through social media but never encounter the ‘other.’ Understanding and accepting differences is the best way to break this terror of the same.”

Thirdly, Dean Dong expressed hope that the Scholars will resist “folding” – the solidification of social stratification – and always keep a sense of social justice. His fourth expectation pertains to maintaining a sense of collectivity and solidarity. “Developing one's body and soul requires a keen sense of individuality. Western society encourages people to be individuals, to be heroic. You need to collaborate. This is not just a question about career; it is also a question of humanity’s survival.” Lastly, he noted that he expects the graduates to embrace lifelong learning. “Learning is a lifelong pursuit. I hope our alumni will return to China often, whether their future careers are related to China or not.” He cited François Julian, an eminent French philosopher and sinologist, as an example of someone dedicated to understanding China throughout his life.

To wrap up his speech, Dean Dong quoted the line “胸怀远志,不畏近难,” which he translated as “Have a broad vision, think long, and do not be afraid of challenges for the time being.”


Prof Lu Yang, Director of Graduate Studies, read the list of graduates. Dean Dong Qiang and Associate Dean Fan Shiming conferred diplomas to the graduates attending the ceremony and turned their tassels. Warm applause accompanied all the best wishes for the graduates’ futures.

“In so many photos

Taken in so many sunny days

Have we framed every happy memory in details

In a room small yet cozy

I’m lucky to have you beside me

Afraid of nothing

We go on and on

Days, months, years

Till the end of the world

Under the same roof

Paint together, you and I

Lines of future.”

The Scholars sang goodbyes to the campus

And to their teachers, classmates, and friends.

They set off for wider horizons, deeper visions,

For mountains and rivers

May you enjoy great expectations

May you brave all waves and reach success.

PKU faculty in attendance at the graduation ceremony include:

Yuan Ming, Honorary Dean of Yenching Academy

Dong Qiang, Dean of Yenching Academy

Wu Jing, Professor of the PKU School of Journalism and Communication

Lu Jiehua, Professor of the PKU Department of Sociology

Zhang Jianwei, Professor of the PKU School of Archaeology and Museology

Liu Airan, Assistant Professor of the PKU Center for Social Research

Brent Haas, Associate Dean of Yenching Academy

Fan Shiming, Associate Dean of Yenching Academy

Lu Yang, Director of Graduate Studies at Yenching Academy

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